My dissertation, completed as partial fulfillment for my doctorate in education at Bridges Graduate School, was recently published by ProQuest. I chose to make the publication freely available to the public in hopes that …
Today I have the pleasure of speaking to all of the parents of the exceptional students at Bridges Academy Online to share with them about mentorships.
This month's special edition of Teaching for High Potential, published by the National Association of Gifted Children included an article on the Value of Virtual Mentorships for Multi-Exceptional Students with Anxiety. It marks the …
I have followed Dr. Mike Postma's work for years and just can't say enough positive things about the contributions he makes to the gifted community. He not only has decades of hands-on experience with …
As we plan for the holidays, it seems like the need for meaningful gifts for our 2e/neurodivergent children creates a lot of stress! Their interests change so quickly... or they are so deeply into …
My dissertation focused on the value of virtual mentoring relationships for twice-exceptional students, specifically those with anxiety. The full dissertation will be published soon through the 2e Center and ProQuest. In addition to the …
I went heads-down over the last few months as my focus shifted onto my doctoral research project, the last requirement for completion of my doctoral degree. Although I knew that my research was an …
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to present at the annual SENG Conference this year. The SENG 2021-2022 conference will be held virtually again, but promises to be in person next year! The …
I am excited to speak at the Gifted Homeschool Forum’s Annual Conference for 2022 in June. My topic of discussion will be focused on building engagement for within a school of one, with a …